2007年5月28日 星期一

4 4 4 3 4 4


The humanities is ancient to influence to the mankind biggest, there is humanities, the mankind just have cultural establishments system, viewpoint and ethics.Gradual of, the technological influence is bigger and bigger, in the last several decades, science and technology's influence to mankind far above humanities, even still appear the situation of opposition.Also therefore, the subject of[with] science and technology's influence to mankind, also has been surrounding at and humanities mutually the Bei dozen turn.Technological development completely beneficial to mankind?The answer is certainly negative, from relevant mankind's movie of the science and technology influence, we can see some clues:We don't know to cherish the Earth, sparing no effort to make use of science and technology to make use of the Earth resource with all strength, the but again pollutes environment hard, be the mankind suffer consequences, face perdition of time, colonize to seem to is an only solution.At 【Red Planet, lose control completely 】medium, mankind for placing homework before colonizing, shoot Zao to the Mars in order to manufacturing oxygen;And at 【Starship Trooper, the star warship fights will 】in, mankind and the insect clan of interstellar contend for a war in each colony of universe.Back but clearly show of these phenomenons wear a layer of another thinking, we whether should let the next star degenerate and the destiny of[with] the Earth homology?Don't return to return essence of cherishing the resource, we be just the mankind are in on the earth of the bad habit move the universe just.Two, the fast food type's knowledge infuse ZhuAt 【Demolition Man, super A police 】medium, the male leading role is infused Zhu various handicraft articles to make a technique in is involved in the ice prison of endlessly hibernate;And at 【The Matrix, hacker mission 】in, various skill which fight, use vehicle
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Individual Student Report
Composition I
Assignment Name
Effects of Technology
Category of Prompt
Revision Number
Start Date
05/29/2007 09:59
Completion Date
05/29/2007 10:23
Total Time Spent on This Essay
24 Minutes 43 Seconds
4 4 4 3 4 4
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Effect of Technology

The humanities is ancient to influence to the mankind biggest, there is humanities, the mankind just have cultural establishments system, viewpoint and ethics.Gradual of, the technological influence is bigger and bigger, in the last several decades, science and technology's influence to mankind far above humanities, even still appear the situation of opposition.Also therefore, the subject of[with] science and technology's influence to mankind, also has been surrounding at and humanities mutually the Bei dozen turn.Technological development completely beneficial to mankind?The answer is certainly negative, from relevant mankind's movie of the science and technology influence, we can see some clues:We don't know to cherish the Earth, sparing no effort to make use of science and technology to make use of the Earth resource with all strength, the but again pollutes environment hard, be the mankind suffer consequences, face perdition of time, colonize to seem to is an only solution.At 【Red Planet, lose control completely 】medium, mankind for placing homework before colonizing, shoot Zao to the Mars in order to manufacturing oxygen;And at 【Starship Trooper, the star warship fights will 】in, mankind and the insect clan of interstellar contend for a war in each colony of universe.Back but clearly show of these phenomenons wear a layer of another thinking, we whether should let the next star degenerate and the destiny of[with] the Earth homology?Don't return to return essence of cherishing the resource, we be just the mankind are in on the earth of the bad habit move the universe just.Two, the fast food type's knowledge infuse ZhuAt 【Demolition Man, super A police 】medium, the male leading role is infused Zhu various handicraft articles to make a technique in is involved in the ice prison of endlessly hibernate;And at 【The Matrix, hacker mission 】in, various skill which fight, use vehicle

2007年5月14日 星期一

Studio Classroom

Operation Smile
1.Why was Operation Smile formed?Would you like to be a medical volunteer and help a child?
1.Answer:They saw children with cleft lips and cleft palates, and they used surgery to fix those children's fachesh. The Magees learned there were hundreds more children with similar problems. They couldn't possibly help them all, but they want to , so Operation Smile was born.
2.How do you think children's lives are being changed after they have surgery for cleft lips?
2.Answer:The completion of the surgical operation, let them have self-confidence in the life, let them have more handsome and beautiful face .
3.Which organization belonging to NPO in Taiwan?Can you learn from it and discribe your volunteering ambition?
3.Answer:Non-Profit Organization;Some widespread exist in our living whole organizationses, such as:Foundation's etc. of various public-spirited group, academic research organization, hospital, various type doesn't take making money(non-profit) as a purpose of organize, call it is "not-for-profit organization" or"the third section"(the third sector)
I hope I can be a volunteer worker, doing the best to help the person whom any demand helps, let other lifes live more comfortable and more fine.

Making Decisions

Growing up means making my own decisions. When it comes to the moment of decision, it is I, not my parents or my friends, who must decide what to do and take up the responsibility. Once a decision is made, it is hard to change, so I am always careful when making decisions. Before making a decision, I consider and evaluate all aspects of the situation, which can help me make a better judgment. Once I make up my mind, I do my best to accomplish what I have set out to do.
The hardest decision that I ever made was when I chose to attend senior high school instead of vocational school. My poor family needed me to go to vocational school to help support the family. But my dream was going to high school and then on to university. Struggling between painful reality and wishful dreams, I was determined to pursue my lifelong goal. Though it was very difficult for me to work my way through high school, I was satisfied that I could live my life in my own way.

Why do you want o enter college?

Most people go to university to pursue their interests, or to receive training and qualifications. My main reason for attending college is to pursue knowledge. A university is a place which provides us with a good studying environment. We can further study our interests and sample other subjects, too. Thus we can find what it is that we are truly interested in.

Friendship is also something that I want to pursue. Different friends bring different experiences and points of view. I think these are two good goals to pursue, and so I will have to study hard to enter university.


When I reading A PSALM OF LIFE, I have some feelings. In the entirefirst poem the first 3 sections in the narration are: We certainly do not need only to pay great attention to the external attribute, must pay great attention to our intrinsic growth, and wants every one day all to compare day before progress. The passage is showing old ancestors' wisdom continuously is spreading down, but they actuallycontinuously dying, therefore we must have in the short life, diligently to face each kind of challenge, and do not have to believe cannot be known the future, the person said: "The day helps the self-service." Probably was this matter. Finally we to have to study ancient's wisdom, studies the ship difficult brothers' courage, so long as we continue to study, may have a happy life.Wang Xiao shu when three years old, she loses the hearing, from this time on, had a world with this to have the gap, strict aunt by the homemade education way, forced the vocal cord pronunciation which she used only to remain to speak, she has sent out the strange cavity strange accent, actually became can enough bravely speak listens to bond lives. In the silent world she is cannot learn to silence, the track and field, the talent and skill performance, the schoolwork are among the best, Ugly duckling changes the swan to depend on is the optimistic vigor. She said that, "I am not unfortunate, I only am inconvenient!" By reason of such faith, she goes out belongs to own life stage.The advantage that I have by myself I have the advantage of my personality has: Friendly, listen to and be enthusiastic about a service. I expect the oneself can continue to maintain these advantages, letting my life in can appear many friends. My weakness then has: Irascibility, lazy and don't love studying. After reading this poem through, I expect the oneself has myself to have persistence heart to change an own weakness, reach perfect life.

The Power of Nature

1.Q:Have you ever experienced a natural disaster? What happened? Describe your experience.
1.A:The most severe disaster that I have ever met is a typhoon.Rain that it rains makes not only the drain against the current of my house, and still harm my mother to fall down.
2.Q:Which natural disaster do you think causes the most harm? Why?
2.A:I think the volcano explosion is the most serious disaster, it will cause the magma indulge in atrocities, the air dust variety of excessive and big thunder-storm, earthquake and the atmosphere temperature.These varieties will make hard existence of living creature.

Terrific Trees: Nature's Treasures

1.Q:Which one of these facts about trees is the most interesting to you? Why?
1.A:I can provide for: the annual rings of the tree relevant in former days the ecosystem environment affairs really slices information, including the weather disaster to change with the natural calamity.The mankind appear at on the earth however millions year, have history about only have several thousand years, so the annual rings can provide us do not record to of history information, let us prevent future disaster from changing.
2.Q:Have you ever seen any fascinating or famous trees? If so, describe them.
2.A:I think I didn't seen any fascinating or famous trees.
3.Q:Besides these advantages are important to us?Do you describe more benefites from terrific trees?
3.A:The root of the tree will hold tight soil, and the soil will absorb, keep humidity, so say forest it has the function of the self-restraint headwaters, he can make the water of the river not sudden rise after pouring rain, can also make consecution several days don't rain very much of the river isn't withered.And the animal lived because of forest of place, make ecosystem equilibrium.

2007年5月7日 星期一

A Sudden Rain

Yesterday the weather was really beautiful and warm as I left for school in the morning. The sky was cloudless and there was no sign of rain at all, so I did not take my umbrella.

However, as I played basketball on the school playground, the sky suddenly darker and darker and the wind began to blow. A few drops of rain fell and my classmates and I ran to seek refuge.

Within minutes the storm was over and the sky became blue again. In the future, I shall always carry an umbrella with my everywhere I go.


13. What is a pharmacist?
14. The instructor talked to Nancy about her conduct. What did the instructor talk about?
15. The boss arrived at exactly three o’clock. When did he arrive?
16. Often while visiting another country, a person is not sure how to act when eating. What is meant by the expression “how to act” in this sentence?
17. Did you find out what caused his illness?
18. Mr. Maxwell said: “This wind feels just like a knife.” What kind of wind was it?

2007年4月30日 星期一

Successful People

Successful people are those who work hard and never give up halfway. Even in the face of many difficulties, they won't flinch. Instead, they are always trying to overcome every impediment in their way.
 For example, Dr. Sun Yat-sen was a successful man. He devoted his life to saving China. Dissatisfied with the tyranny of the Ch'ing dynasty, he was agitated with the idea of revolution. He had spared no efforts to call on his fellow countrymen to found a republican government. Even if he and his comrades failed ten times in subverting the Ch'ing dynasty, he was not discouraged and did not falter. It was through his hard effort and struggle that he finally managed to overthrow the Ch'ing dynasty and establish the Republic of China, the first democratic country in Asia.
 This story let us know that "Perseverance leads to success."


In spite of the rapid growth of economy and technology, our environment has been seriously polluted. It is mainly because there has been a vast amount of trash. The reasons why we have more and more trash are as follows. First, the number of people who produce trash is on the increase. Second, we do not have enough space to have garbage dumped. Third, a lot of rubbish which can be reused is thrown away by people.    Here are several ways we can use to help decrease the amount of trash. First, we should get the public re-educated and let them know the fact that trash pollutes our environment and is harmful to our health. Second, we suggest our government enact strict laws to crack down upon people who litter garbage here and there. Third, we can call on our neighbors to reuse as many things which they have used as possible. Thus, we can have a cleaner environment to live in.

A Lesson to Learn

My little brother is so irritating. All day long he says, "Eddie, I wonder why people can talk but animals can't." Or, "I wonder why the ocean looks blue." Of course, I don't know the answers, but I don't let him know that. I just make up reasonable explanations, and he accepts them as if I'm the smartest person in the world. Before I answer one of his questions, I usually tell him that he's pretty stupid and asks too many questions.
Well, yesterday we both got our report cards. I got B's and C's, and he got straight A's. Under the "Comments" section on my report card, it said, "Eddie would be getting better grades if he asked more questions." Of course, on my brother's report card, it said just the opposite.
To make things worse, my brother squawked all day about how I was so stupid for not asking questions! I just sighed and told him he was right—I wouldn't make fun of him anymore for asking so many questions.
Yes, I learned a lesson from my little brother: Never be afraid to ask questions, and NEVER be afraid to wonder why.